C3 is user-friendly, it offers tons of exciting features and presents endless possibilities for taking control over the sea of information your organization produces and has to manage. But with so much power at your fingertips, you can’t know it all. How to use it? How to maximize your ROI? What are the best practices? How does it integrate with your environment and infrastructure? How to fulfill a specific requirement? Find some of these answers and more below.

Is there some sort of notification to know when a user suggests a new value?

C3 has an email notification feature that can be enabled so owners of the model are notified when a suggestion is made.

Does the SharePoint TermStore synchronization work for multi-lingual setups?

Yes, the TermStore synchronization synchronizes the preferred terminology from C3 in each configured language. This is also true for other document repositories such as Open Text Content Server.

How is C3 autoclassification different from MS 365?

The MS 365 automatic classification solution is targeted solely at Retention and Sensitivity labeling and does not include any support for any other metadata, including Managed Metadata. This is the primary difference between the C3 and MS 365 autoclass offerings, as C3 can automatically classify an arbitrary number and type of metadata fields at the same time as the retention and sensitivity labels.

Additionally, C3 provides business modeling and rules capabilities that support the use of business context definitions from an organization’s Information Architecture to derive, not only sensitivity and retention compliance, but privacy, and security compliance along with related metadata. The MS 365 auto-labelling only focuses on the content of the document, whereas C3 combines both the content and the business context in its autoclassification capabilities.

If I download the document from GCDocs or M365 to my desktop, will my metadata remain at the document-level even if the document leaves the repository? If I email my document to a colleague in another department, will my document have my metadata?

Absolutely. One of C3’s big advantages is that it is system-agnostic, so all the metadata intelligently generated by C3 is stored in the document properties. This means that when a document is taken out of the repository or system where it was originally saved, the metadata will follow the document and will remain available in the new location. Ultimately, it signifies that an organization keeps full ownership over the data generated by C3, even a migration from one system to another.

For the M365 C3 pane, how does the plug-in or app get installed? Is it available from the MS store? Where is it hosted, on prem, or Cogniva servers?

To install the M365 C3 online task pane, manifests are added manually via M365 administration (instead of using the MS Store). Currently the M365 online C3 task pane is a web service that is hosted on prem. Cogniva will provide hosted options for clients when we finalize our SaaS offering.

How is the MS 365 retention label, smartly defined by C3, actioned in SharePoint?

C3, using its AI agents, firstly analyzes the content and the context of the document (file information, author, location, destination, etc.) and other automatically or manually generated metadata (document type, function, author role and position, etc.). Resulting from this analysis, the retention label value can be automatically derived. This lifts the burden off the user who would normally be forced to choose the appropriate retention value manually. Lastly, Microsoft provides a few different methods to apply a Retention label programmatically. The Retention label can be derived from a custom property of the document (specifically the Retention property C3 has chosen for the user). For instance, the C3 Retention value can be mapped to a column in SharePoint and Power Automate can then be used to assign the MS 365 Retention label. The important aspect of this entire process remains C3’s ability to intelligently determine the appropriate retention label for a given document so SharePoint can properly manage its life-cycle.

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